

SDGs Initiatives

K.K. Meguro Gajoen supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is engaged in a variety of initiatives to contribute to the realization of a better and more sustainable world through the management of its hotel and wedding venue.

What are the SDGs?

The Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, are global goals that aim to realize a better and more sustainable world by 2030. They are found in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that was adopted unanimously by the member nations of the UN at a United Nations Summit in September 2015. Consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, the SDGs pledge to “leave no one behind.” Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website

Environmental Initiatives

Installation of LED Lighting

We are progressively switching to LED lighting throughout the premises in our efforts to reduce our electricity consumption. E.g., Hotel Gajoen Tokyo 1st floor and guest suites, guest floor corridors, and banquet rooms.

Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly Initiatives

To help conserve forest environments, all the paper products we use, including paper bags and envelopes, are made with FSC-certified paper.
At Hotel Gajoen Tokyo, we have recycled the wood from cherry trees that have been cut down as part of the Meguro Sakura Restoration Project(*). The wood has been used to make the plaques marking the stair numbers of the Hyakudan Kaidan, the Tokyo Metropolitan Area designated tangible cultural property inside the hotel, as well as coasters and teaspoons used in OUKA, the executive lounge for the exclusive use of staying guests. Cherrywood chips from the felled cherry trees were also used to prepare smoked foods served by the hotel’s restaurants and sold in the hotel shops during the 2023 cherry blossom season. Meguro Sakura Restoration Project This project aims to preserve the cherry trees in Meguro Ward through a variety of activities, based on a restoration plan prepared after consulting with the local community, tree doctors, and other experts. Activities include replanting hazardous trees, dealing with exposed roots, securing appropriate planting spacing, protecting the areas around the trees’ roots, and managing the planting.
Hotel Gajoen’s Christmas trees in 2024 were adorned with environmentally friendly Christmas decorations. The Japanese-style ornaments decorating the trees and bases throughout the hotel were crafted from repurposed scraps of colorful or pure white wedding kimono fabric discarded by the hotel’s wedding costume room. Each temari ball ornament was carefully handcrafted using the traditional kimekomi technique. The foot of the main tree in the hotel’s main entrance was decorated with gift boxes wrapped in furoshiki, traditional Japanese wrapping cloths. Our hope with this form of decoration was to prompt guests to think about the excessive wrapping and its associated environmental impacts that lie behind the year’s most special event. At the same time, to pass on the ancient Japanese culture of wrapping things and encourage more people to incorporate furoshiki into their lives as an eco-friendly culture, we held a Furoshiki Wrapping Experience for staying guests during the holiday season, and PATISSERIE “LIEN1928” wrapped some of its merchandise in furoshiki instead of paper bags for customers to take home.
We have changed our room keys from plastic to environmentally friendly wooden material.

Safety and Security Initiatives

Food Hygiene Management

To ensure thorough management of hygiene and food quality controls at the hotel and wedding venue, we conduct regular voluntary hygiene inspections and have hygiene evaluations performed by external contractors. Hotel Gajoen Tokyo has also established a Food Hygiene Committee, whose membership primarily consists of food preparation staff and hygiene control advisors. Efforts are made to improve cleaning operations through monthly meetings of this committee and mutual audits of each other’s kitchens by the committee members. We also strive to offer safe and secure dining experiences through an awareness of food compliance, including the handling of food allergies and food diversity. Our hygiene control advisors conduct workshops for all employees on topics such as food hygiene, training on cleaning up vomit as part of norovirus countermeasures, and handwashing workshops, in our efforts to raise awareness of hygiene throughout the entire company.

Disaster Readiness Initiatives

Hotel Gajoen Tokyo is a specified property under fire prevention measures under the Fire Service Act and related regulations. As such, we have established a fire prevention and disaster readiness plan, and, in coordination with the local fire department,we carry out disaster readiness training in a planned manner. We have established our own self-defense fire brigade comprising employees, and we conduct exhaustive training and education of employees so that they may properly guide guests to safety in the event of an emergency. In terms of emergency aid measures, we have also installed automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in several locations around the hotel, and we hold general first aid courses on a regular basis to raise awareness among employees.

Contribution to Community and Society

Environmental Beautification Measures

We actively participated in “We Love MEGURO*,” a clean-up activity organized by the Tokyo Meguro Rotary Club, picking up trash from the streets of Meguro alongside people from the local community, including the Meguro City Office and other government bodies. * We Love MEGURO: A clean-up activity with the slogan “Make our hometown of Meguro more beautiful! Let’s walk more! Let’s learn more!” designed to rediscover the charms of Meguro Ward. Participants pick up trash as they find their way toward the goal of Nakameguro Park.
We actively participate in the “Meguro River Clean-up Campaign*” conducted by local residents and volunteers, cleaning up the banks of the Meguro River. * Meguro River Clean-up Campaign: A large-scale clean-up activity conducted through collaboration between residents and the local government. Clean-ups of the upstream and mid-stream areas of Meguro River are organized by the Meguro River Upstream and Mid-Stream Association,” while the Society for the Enrichment of Meguro River’s Living Environment organizes clean-ups in the downstream areas.

Donations to the Meguro Sakura Fund

To support the preservation and replanting of the cherry trees that line the Meguro River, Hotel Gajoen Tokyo endorses the Meguro Sakura Restoration Project, which provides guidelines for preservation projects. We also donate a portion of the proceeds from merchandise sales during cherry blossom season to the Meguro Sakura Fund.

Participation in TABLE FOR TWO

In April 2017, we introduced a special menu in the employee cafeteria in support of TABLE FOR TWO*. When employees choose from the special menu, 20 yen from every meal is donated to provide one school meal for a child in a developing country through TABLE FOR TWO International. *TABLE FOR TWO: A non-profit organization whose mission is to eliminate the food imbalance that is occurring on a global scale and to simultaneously improve the health of people living in both developing countries and developed countries. Source: TABLE FOR TWO official website

Participation in Community Events

We participate in the Meguro Machinaka Kids Halloween, an event that has been held since 2012 by Yuhikai Children’s Club, a participating organization of Yuhikai, a group of nearby neighborhood associations in Shinagawa Ward. The event operation is also supported by Megumori, a local community group. The aims of this event are for children living in the area to experience the fun of the environment around Meguro Station while making connections with the community. It is also intended to help prevent crimes and foster disaster readiness.

Creating Comfortable Workplaces

Enhancement of Human Resources Development Programs

In addition to orientation programs for our new recruits so that they may join the company with peace of mind, we conduct a variety of training programs throughout the year in a planned manner to assist our employees’ growth and to create an environment in which they can demonstrate their skills to their fullest ability. Training programs include business etiquette training, hospitality training, service training, new supervisor training, new manager training, English language training, compliance training, food hygiene training, first aid training, and training on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. We also have mechanisms in place to support employees with their self-directed career development. This includes subsidizing 50% of the costs incurred by employees who obtain qualifications or licenses related to their work.

Promotion of Work-Life Balance

We have a range of programs in place to ensure that our employees can work with peace of mind in a way that suits their individual lifestyles. In addition to our Childcare and Family Nursing Care Leave Rules, we have also established a scheme that enables employees with childcare and family nursing care responsibilities to work shorter, six-hour days. We also consider start and finish times for individual cases when making shift arrangements. Other measures include the ability to take paid leave in half-day increments, allowing them to take time off if a sudden need arises.